
How I Need To Read Tickets

How I Need To Read Tickets I need to read software engineering tickets like I needed to read my university papers; backwards.  I need to start with the AC’s and the acceptance criteria; only then can I take in the new information and put it in.  If I can visualise what needs to be done then I can fit in all of the other information. Once I know what that final steps and what the final goals are everything else just becomes a step to achieving this. And everything flows from there. And then I make the magic work. Thank you. 🪄  Holy Island. Photo taken and sent to me by my Dad.

Thursday Mornings With Python, Part 4

Thursday Mornings With Python, Part 4  Continuing with iterators - Next Awwww how cute - the next lesson also just happens to be on something called next. There is a method in iterators called next() and it can be used as next() or __next__() , and it works similarly to iter() and __iter__() . The moment I saw the title of the less I got it straight away. I don't want to spend too long on it. But what does it do under the hood? Basically, next in whatever form you choose, RETRIEVES THE ITERATOR'S NEXT VALUE.  It will raise an exception called StopIteration when all items have ben iterated through. But then what happens - does the exception get handled? PYTHON HANDLES THE EXCEPTION  StopIteration    BY STOPPING THE LOOP WITHOUT THROWING AN ERROR (during a for loop). Iterators and For Loops This literally just explains what is going on under the hood with for loops - then we can create our own custom iterators. iter() next() and StopIteration Custom I

Having the self-confidence to review my own PRs properly

Having the self-confidence to review my own PRs properly I have to believe in myself properly. I have been making a mistake with my own PRs. As someone with ADHD, I rush to get the task done towards the end for that sense of accomplishment and as such I have been neglecting to slow down enough to review my own PRs with enough mindfulness and attention to detail. I check for typos, formatting errors and stupid things like duplicate code or I left-in comments. But I don’t trust myself to check the logic properly. And this is where it relates to confidence. If I had the confidence and the belief and faith in myself that I was good enough to review my own code then I would enjoy it more and therefore do it properly. That’s right you heard me - I haven’t been enjoying it because I don’t trust myself to spot logic errors in my own PRs. Admittedly I am very careful about the code that I do and I often do things to death. But I am still capable of making very dumb mistakes. Like my code today:

Python on the Train, Part 2

Python on the Train, Part 2 [I wrote this yesterday morning] Me: there will be no more Python on train, and especially not at 6 am, the crack of dawn when I am basically still asleep anyway (yes, even me, who is usually bouncing around brightly, full of energy). Also me: I love coding I can't sit still on the train My mind is too full of everything to read any books at the moment It makes the train journey go by sooooo fast but in a good way I need to finish this course. Iterators and Generators Finally, I am on to these. I always loved iterators in JavaScript sooo much. Safe to say they were like my favourite thing. Introduction to Iterables Tbf I know what these do but always room to learn some more... "In Python, an iterable is an object that's capable of being looped through one element at a time." 10/10 definition. Has really helped me to grasp it some more and to understand it some more at a subconscious level.  "We commonly use iterables to perform the pro

Even If Nobody Else Sings Along

Even If Nobody Else Sings Along You all know the Mama Cass song right? “You gotta make your own kind of music, sing your own special song, make your own kind of music, even if nobody else sings along.” That’s how it is writing my story. Very often it feels like nobody else sings along. Occasionally people will tell me that they love my content - I get people on LinkedIn or IRL sometimes telling me that they love my content or that I have inspired them to become a software engineer. But often there’s no feedback loop. However it’s less about the public response. It’s more about “does everybody think I’m insane” There’s method in my madness And you don’t know yet what KNOWLEDGE I am building

It’s Getting Late But I Don’t Mind

It’s Getting Late But I Don’t Mind Were you even alive unless you were a kid in the 2010s? Yes I really did dance to David Guetta in the cool clubs in Brussels.  I have a huge hard task facing me tomorrow and thereafter. And very quickly I am learning that the only way to handle this and to face this one is to break things down into small steps. So currently my current task requires me to: Go back to my recording with my boss where we recorded the instructions because I was kidding myself that I had understood them. I need to understand them again properly yeah thanks. Go back to the documentation for the package. I am implementing. Yeah I have been bad. I didn’t read that properly. I need to try again haha. Maybe I’ll do that first thing. Might need to be a blog post. Thanks. Then my boss has sent me three steps. I can’t remember what they are. I roughly and vaguely remember the first two. But they are all written down so I can handle them.  Crucially all three of those tasks need to

Codex: What Are HTTP Headers?

Codex: What Are HTTP Headers? After they came up on a call and I didn't understand what they were I was advised to go away and watch some videos about HTTP headers. Now as you all know it is impossible for me to watch a video without writing notes on it so here we are.  Btw "Codex" is a song by the PHENOMENON Joel Sunny, please expect many more posts named after his music. What is a header in an HTTP request? So according to Chat GPT (I watched one video and got lost but will try another in a sec), headers "tell the server" things like: Your identity The type of request you want The format you want your response in Except that because it's me I have got Chat GPT talking about magical kingdoms... of course, naturally. Different types of headers Request headers: Tell the server about you and your request Response headers: Tell you how the server is responding Omg so many dragons... in my analogy... yes yes yes thank you. Look:  And it gets even better wait: Yo