
Don't worry, linear algebra can seem daunting at first, but it's not as complicated as it may seem

Don't worry, linear algebra can seem daunting at first, but it's not as complicated as it may seem "Don't worry, linear algebra can seem daunting at first, but it's not as complicated as it may seem". Thanks for that one CHAT GPT "Vectors of the same dimension (having the same number of components) can be added or subtracted" BUT WHYYY Chat GPT has been explaining to me how to multiply and double vectors ARRRRRGH How to double them and add them I mean ARRRRRGH I got this one right though, thanks So that's awesome Save for a tiny bit of arithmetic... What's this? What's next please? What's next? Oh no... Oh no... Oh no  No please ARRRRRGH "Vector Dot Products" AN IMPORTANT VECTOR OPERATION IN LINEAR ALGEBRA IS THE "DOT PRODUCT" A DOT PRODUCT TAKES TWO EQUAL DIMENSION VECTORS  AND RETURNS A SINGLE SCALAR VALUE BY SUMMING THE PRODUCTS OF THE VECTORS' CORRESPONDING COMPONENTS THIS CAN BE WRITTEN OUT FORMULAICALLY A

How To Find The Magnitude of a Velocity Vector

How To Find The Magnitude of a Velocity Vector How to find the total speed or MAGNITUDE of a velocity vector. Today I started my AI journey. Maybe I started it August 6th 2022 when I started my software engineering journey. Today I finally caved and admitted to myself that I was LEARNING AI. So I started a free Linear Algebra course on Codecademy - ARRRRGH - regretting it already. But the journey of a thousand miles begins at your feet. Late at night in a work office when I should've gone home. Asking ChatGPT for help on understanding Codecademy's instructions. Asking AI to help me with learning to write AI. Seems legit. So how DO you find the MAGNITUDE of a VELOCITY VECTOR? HOW TO FIND THE MAGNITUDE OF A VELOCITY VECTOR The formula is THE SQUARE ROOT of THE SUM of EACH OF THE VECTORS SQUARED. This can be represented as such: So the sum of v = (3, 2, 4) would be the square root of 3 squared plus 2 squared plus 4 squared so 9 + 4 + 16 = 29 The square root of 29 is... approximate

How To Approach A New Codebase

How To Approach A New Codebase I haven't done this in a while. So how do I do this please? The very first step is to break it down. Hold on a minute. Let me write this down properly. Steps 1. Break it down Chat GPT says to "Don't try and understand everything at once.  Break down the codebase into smaller, manageable parts. Focus on understanding one module, class or function at a time. 2. FOCUS ON PATTERNS PATTERNS PATTERNS YES YES YES PLEASE I LOVE PATTERNS LOOK FOR RECURRING PATTERNS OR CONVENTIONS IN THE CODEBASE LOOK FOR RECURRING PATTERNS OR CONVENTIONS IN THE CODEBASE LOOK FOR RECURRING PATTERNS OR CONVENTIONS IN THE CODEBASE LOOK FOR RECURRING PATTERNS OR CONVENTIONS IN THE CODEBASE LOOK FOR RECURRING PATTERNS OR CONVENTIONS IN THE CODEBASE LOOK FOR RECURRING PATTERNS OR CONVENTIONS IN THE CODEBASE LOOK FOR RECURRING PATTERNS OR CONVENTIONS IN THE CODEBASE LOOK FOR RECURRING PATTERNS OR CONVENTIONS IN THE CODEBASE 3. Take breaks - yeah yeah yeah right okay I'll

The most phenomenal slack message that I have ever received in my life

The most phenomenal slack message that I have ever received in my life I have some really amazing people working on my new team. Today I asked an absolutely phenomenal Senior Machine Learning/AI engineer how to approach a new codebase and I honestly just got back the most amazing reply that I have ever received in my life. Wow. How to approach a new codebase: the senior edition My Senior told me that he doesn't usually bother with trying to read the whole codebase at once, because it can be pretty overwhelming. This is great advice as I think I normally get bogged down with trying to sit down and trying to understand everything. Not surprisingly I usually get overwhelmed after an hour or so, so then I just have to stop. So this is really amazing advice from my wonderful colleague. First look at any useful documentation that exists You can then try to understand it at a high level, and understand the overall structure and the key components of the codebase  So for example - instead

On My One And Only New Year's Resolution

On My One And Only New Year's Resolution I had one and one and only new year's resolution this year. And that was to say yes to whatever came up. And to see every aspect of software development as fascinating and exciting. Sometimes unexpected things come up Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans. In Spring 2018, my mother bought me a book It was a book by a Buddhist author. I was busy reading another Buddhist book to try and solve all my problems. I was so annoyed my mum had interrupted my flow. But the book my mum got me changed my life. It changed my life forever. I was never the same person again. I opened up the door to my heart. I live a better life thanks to that book everyday. Today I had plans at work to clone a repo and then research virtual environments. Instead someone offered to pair and I learned from that person. Sometimes changing our plans can make us feel like we are learning less, but we are actually just learning more. Every day I want

The Rebasing Adventure: Chapter 1

The Rebasing Adventure: Chapter 1 There was an island deep deep far far away, hidden away. It was littered with dangerous and poisonous snakes. Green snakes. Pythons? In the middle of that island there was a little red wooden shack on top of the hill. And in that shack lived... me.  And in order to escape the valley of the snakes littered afraid all over the little island and to make the desert island safe again... I had to learn REBASING. At least that's what I told myself anyway. Brazil's real-life 'snake island'. Must it really have to be as scary as that? The rebasing journey so far My work values neat, ordered commits. This makes it easier for the developer reviewing your pull request to handle it. So you want your code to be in atomic commits - each code does one thing and is self contained. Each commit should also do things properly - no commits going back and randomly fixing things and breaking things. So the problem here is that this requires rebasing. I did tr

So Long, London

So Long, London I think one of the things I find it the hardest to do with tech and coding is concentrate. I get so distracted by everything. I get the work done in the end but I don't want to work that way anymore.  I want to work in a way that is focused and that always prioritises everything that is the most important to me. One of the techniques I got for this is from my former Product Manager, Owen And that is to always, always ask: IS THIS GOING TO HELP ME WITH MY GOAL OF BECOMING A SOFTWARE ENGINEER? Or I guess now that I am one, IMPROVING/GROWING AS A SOFTWARE ENGINEER? The thing that people don't see about me is THE ABSOLUTELY INSANE AMOUNT OF WORK I HAD TO PUT IN TO GET HERE. I'm not talking about training to become a Software Engineer. Although that too. But before becoming a software engineer, long long before, prior to even starting working or even obtaining my first degree (I have 3), I had to fight so so hard to progress and succeed. And so do you know what?