Vampires "Vampires" is an incredible instrumental song by one of my favourite artists Bat For Lashes. It came out while I was living in Manchester or just before I moved there; it played as the artist herself walked out onto the stage. That night she also played the most phenomenal version of her song "Daniel" - it can be found on Spotify under "Daniel - Music Box Version" by Bat For Lashes. Listen to the original "Daniel" and then listen to this one - you'll thank me later. YouTube Link: . Why am I writing this I have no clue. I haven't been able to write much about my work- as I am between jobs I need to keep to myself in a way what I am doing. I really can't say much more than that but I have been working really hard. I really, really hope to be able to share more soon. Thanks! The future of this blog I have no idea. Will it just have been a thing associated with my former workplace...