I'm Fighting

I'm Fighting 

I'm not one to post many pictures of myself, but here is one from my office floor a couple of months ago. 

I'm writing a more technical blog post at the moment but I've been writing that one for the last couple of days and this came up and it was URGENT and I wanted to write that down.

We Had A Team Meeting Today

We had a team meeting today where we gave each other constructive feedback and it was SO NICE. I was so afraid for it but it was SO AMAZING. I was honestly panicking, hyperventilating, everything before the meeting. 

But it was so fine. It was absolutely fine. 

I loved it.

The Most Useful Piece of Feedback That I Heard

Right, let's get down to it. What's the most useful piece of feedback I heard? 

Well, it was also the most heart-warming one! But it was also the most constructive. 

"I think you could be even more effective by being really selective with your time. 

Make sure that you are always prioritising the things that will help you succeed as a Software Engineer".

Why "I'm Fighting"?

It's really hard to remember and to always, always keep the dream alive. 

This feedback has reminded me how much this really matters to me - and how important it is to keep the dream alive.


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