Dance Till We Die
Dance Till We Die
Why this song?
Because I love it so much. And it represents doing what we love forever. I certainly know I want to be doing what I love forever.
Credit Card Checker part 2
I made some more progress with this and completed the second stage.
I was a lot more independent than in part 1.
I did it myself and I did my own debugging and I got it right. I should be really proud of myself, I feel. I used my debugging kit from my colleague - a rubber duck and a whiteboard - and it made me really happy.
All the problem solving skills that I learned on Friday really really helped me, I feel.
Mysterious Organism Project
I have finished this project too.
Needle in a Haystack
This was my first ever problem on Codewars.
I did it last week - maybe Wednesday? I can't really recall what day.
It was pretty easy for me and so I didn't follow the full process but it was just nice to get the first one done.
And here is the image that I used to illustrate my steps - I needed to think carefully about how to solve the problem.
And so I decided to create a variable for the index of the found element.
It's not perfect I know but it's the first steps of writing up the steps to a problem. Very happy and fulfilled and excited - that's how I'm feeling!!!
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