Second Sun

Second Sun

I've been listening through Spotify's coding mode playlist. Some of them are so good and really hit the spot - so I've been adding them all to a new playlist.

One of the songs I loved is "Second Sun" by Nils Hoffman and Ben Böhmer.

Why did I love it?

I don't know. 

It's just so relaxing. And so beautiful. And so soft. And so soothing.

And so beautiful.

Here's Some CodePens

Event Object Properties


From my coding course with Codecademy: 

"JavaScript stores events as Event objects with their related data and functionalities and methods. When an event is triggered, the event object can be passed as an argument to the event handler function."

Wait, WHAT??! I think that my brain JUST EXPLODED!!! 

Here is my CodePen on Event Object Properties:


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