Why am I staying? Why am I staying?
Why am I staying? Why am I staying?
I am learning the CSS box model today.
There are two important concepts here:
- flex containers
- flex items
A flex container is an element on a page that contains flex items. All direct child elements of a flex container are flex items.
"To designate an element as a flex container, set the element's display property to flex or inline-flex."
The lesson on Codecademy covers:
- justify-content
- align-items
- flex-grow
- flex-shrink
- flex-basis
- flex
- flex-wrap
- align-content
- flex-direction
- flex-flow
This is a lake where I went camping at 15 - Lac de Blanchemer. It is one of the 5 lakes that I post about so often on here.
The title is a reference to Lana del Rey's 'White Mustang' as this is a genius way that the lyrics of the chorus can be interpreted if you listen very closely.
Everything's whatever
Okay so it's a quoting Lana del Rey day today okay? Okay.
display: flex
"Flex containers are helpful tools for creating websites that respond to changes in screen sizes."
"Child elements of flex containers will change size and location in response to the size and position of parent container.
"If they have children, the children are FLEX ITEMS".
"A div with the declaration display: flex; will remain block level - no other elements will appear on the same line as it".
"However, it will change the behaviour of its child elements. Child elements will not begin on new lines."
When we give a block level element a display value of flex, it remains a block level element.
What if we want multiple flex containers to display inline with each other?
"If we didn't want div elements to be block-level elements, we would use display: inline".
tl;dr I think that this allows you to put multiple flex containers inline with each other (inline-flex).
Basically, changing the display value of a parent element affects the children.
"To position the items from left to right, we use a property called justify-content".
I learned about flex-end - it sends things to the right...
You can also use:
- flex-start - sends things to the left
- center - centers things
- space-around - items will be positioned with equal space before and after them
- space-between - "items will be positions with equal space between them - but no extra space before the first or after the last elements".
This little property is like justify-content but for vertical lines instead of horizontal ones.
The first three values it can have are the same as the above:
- flex-start
- flex-end
- center
And they do similar kinds of things.
But then it has two new ones:
I can't remember the last time I did this much work in one day.
"All flex items shrink proportionally when the container is too small".
"However, if the parent container is larger than necessary then the flex items will not stretch by default. The flex-grow property allows us to specify if items should grow to fill a container and also which items should grow proportionally more or less than others".
This is very similar to the above but basically does the opposite.
The only interesting thing to note is that the default value of flex-shrink is 1 whereas the default value of flex-grow is 0.
"Another way of specifying the width of a flex item is with the flex-basis property. flex-basis allows us to specify the width of an item before it stretches or shrinks".
I don't understand this thing at all.
But I have asked on my company internal questions channel.
[might update after response].
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