Pour out the love, let the healing begin
Pour out the love, let the healing begin
I haven't listened to as much of Sampa the Great as I would've liked to, but boy did her song "Energy" make an impression on me. Such a powerful song that I just keep on coming back to again and again. I especially like the subtitled bridge, which is apparently in Krio (a West African language), which is performed by Nadeem Din-Gabisi. This whole song is an outpouring of celebration and love.
It is so beautiful and so feminine-centric.
It made me think of how much I want more women in the field. Not because I don't love the men- I do. I just wish it had a bit more variety.
Back to Smart Grid for a few minutes
I was studying this page by Schneider Electric. So here is Part 2.
"Asset Management"
The subheading in this section is "a single, integrated system of design" and I don't understand. But that is okay. It is sometimes okay not to understand too.
I am just exposing myself to new ideas and hope to learn from them and pick up on them gradually.
It says that their "asset management workflows" do the following: "streamline the design and construction workflows" thereby "modernising how utilities support digitisation and mobility initiatives". I am lost. I have 2 MSc's in sustainability and have worked in renewable energy for 2.5 years and I am lost. That's totally okay though - I am new to the smart grid. I am here to learn some stuff. And hopefully as I practise more exposure it will help.
And this page is the gift that keeps on giving. It as so many white papers and so on. I might focus on it til I feel like I've gotten all I can out of it! Alternatively I may go back and forth between it and other resources.
Back to asset management
Then it talks about specific technologies that it provides. That makes sense. It talks about GIS technologies (geographic information systems). I have done a fair bit of this and I was not great. How I ever became a software engineer, based on the experience I had with GIS, is a mystery to all including me. My former lecturers can't believe it. It says here that the tech of Schneider Electric "[integrates] workflows that have traditionally been siloed". (That's an interesting theme. Indeed one that has been mentioned on this page before - siloes and how to stop them.)
Anyway, this allows them to "deliver increased efficiency and powerful data sharing." That sounds really interesting and like a really cool theme.
I don't really understand what an asset is in the utilities sector, and that doesn't really help.
Is it like a pylon or a wind turbine or an offshore wind farm or something?
Anyway, another one of their pieces of tech allows utilities to "understand asset health and and risks". The purpose of this is to "prioritise maintenance actions." So I am guessing this does refer to things like pylons and infrastructure after all. This can lead to "more timely and informed decision-making."
And what can the outcome of this be, then?
- "avoid outages
- save costs and
- maximise crew resources"
I meant to do "Edge Management" today as well but I'm tired, ill and need to write a talk for Thursday night. I'll be back with my next post soon though.
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