I see a girl wondering why her heartbeat can't keep up

I see a girl wondering why her heartbeat can't keep up

I am still naming every blog post after a quote or title from Princess Chelsea. This one still comes from her "time" song, same one as yesterday.

Princess Chelsea, a young white woman with short brown hair, stands in front of a forest, looks up and smiles. She is wearing chainmail, like a knight, and it sort of looks a bit like a suit of armour.

I like it and it feels really therapeutic. It has a really magical feel to it. I listened to it yesterday after I had a really amazing conversation with my technical lead. We talked about how to maximise my learning resources and how to make the most of the time I had with my senior developers. I had a beautiful and lovely message from one of my former managers whom I love so, so much too. 

It was really encouraging.

It meant the world to me to hear from him. 😊

He offered me some really amazing words of support and encouragement around some of the challenges I am facing at work at the moment. And he was so insightful. Thanks for reaching out! 😍

It was so lovely of you to do so. 😍

Challenges Around Customers' Mistrust of AI Technology

All new technologies must initially encounter some mistrust when they are being used by new customers. AI will most certainly be no exception to this - indeed quite the opposite. 

Both consumers, and those in charge of larger infrastructures such as buildings, may initially need some convincing that the use of AI related technologies will actually benefit them. I don’t know what the author is referring to here and if he means smart metering solutions? Because surely end users wouldn’t know about what is going on in the grid anyway? Or at the sites of generation?

He says that they might need to be convinced about the benefits of new technologies and that they can enhance their energy experience and comfort. Does he mean DERs? Or just smart meters? Surely the world has come along way in terms of DERs ever since this article was written which was just 4 years ago in 2024? Interestingly working on the uptake of DERs is a huge part of what I do in my day job.

And I am so so happy and so unbelievably privileged and lucky to be doing this.

Marketing and Education Campaigns 

This EY article that I am reading mentions the need for “robust educational and marketing campaigns” to help consumers to build trust in AI and renewable energy. I am still a bit confused about this. 

Do they mean DERs or smart meters? Or what? Something else? Do consumers need to be convinced about the role of AI in grid infrastructure? Or at the level of generation? Or why do they even care about it - surely if the energy is there then that’s all that matters to them, right? So is it maybe more about the role of AI within their energy, within their homes? 🏠 🏡 


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