One song is over, another one in

One song is over, another one in

This morning's blog post references a song by Brainstorm, a Latvian band, called "Thunder Without Rain." I don't have a lot of time because I am going out to the cinema and I have other plans this evening but I wanted to write something quick. I love this song so much and I love the bridge so much. You can't find it on Spotify I don't think but it's on YouTube here.

A woman in a white dress stands at the curtained doorway to a small room full of colourful floor tiles and disco lights and takes a photo of herself in the mirrors. The wall is lined with mirrors.

I took about 7 photos of myself in a room full of laser beams. You'll have to forgive me as I plan to use all 7 of them in blog posts - they all have colour differences. Some obvious. Some subtle.

Growing as a software engineer

I am desperate to learn and grow as a software engineer. I am desperate to learn and grow as a software engineer. If you don't know that then you don't know me.

I am desperate to learn and grow as a software engineer partly because I have this big contribution I know I need to make. I want to make some really amazing contributions to the world of renewable energy. So the faster I get up to speed the better. Every morning I am asking myself 5 questions but I know I could do better. I feel as though I could refine them.

Yep, Chat GPT DID do it better

Here were my original 5 questions: 

  1. I want to write down in the morning:

    1. What ticket am I working on

    2. What am I working on about this ticket

    3. What am I stuck about this ticket

    4. What am I learning from this ticket

    5. What are the biggest challenges about this ticket

Copied verbatim from my work document. But then I asked Chat GPT to refine them of course.
I'm wondering how much detail I need to go into now as I have to dash out. Let me try.
Here is a new version which I wrote myself based on Chat GPT: 
  • What ticket am I working on
    • What is the purpose of this ticket
    • What project does this ticket contribute towards
    • How does this ticket contribute to the team and to the company
    • How does this ticket contribute to my own personal learning goals.
  • What aspects of this ticket am I working on:
    • What specific steps of tasks am I working on today?
    • Could I try doing something in another way?
  • What am I finding challenging about this ticket
    • Am I stuck on any aspect of this ticket
    • How can I seek any resources for it
    • How can I seek any help for it
  • What am I learning from this ticket
    • How can I learn from it more?
  • Reflections: what is the biggest lesson from this ticket or insight?
    • How can I apply this to future work?

Renewable Energy

Not much time for this today.

So I found a new article - it's about how AI can help the smart grid. Apparently, it's my "last free article" erm- whoops.

As usual it says that the grid is becoming more complex. And as usual, it says that this is largely due to the increase in renewable energy sources.

Now "millions of solar panels generate electricity."

And "unpredictable weather" adds to the complexity of this. 

Great - paragraph one: done. ✅


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