When we leave all the parties

When we leave all the parties

"When we leave all the parties,

When we're not in our bodies,

When we're up in a spaceship, 

That's when I feel the greatest" - Mallrat, Wish On An Eyelash

After one day of another song we are back to Mallrat's "Wish On An Eyelash". HOW CAN ANY SONG BE SO AMAZING.


Continuing with the EY article

With better predictions of renewable energy production, done by AI, we can better plan how we use the non-green power plants better; for example gas and coal electricity production. With a clearer overview, and a better picture, of the renewable energy that we are going to produce, we can afford to be less cautious with our backup energy.

This is good because we normally have to take a lot of precautions with the power grid. If we run out of power - distributors can have a lot to pay - and it causes major inconveniences for people - and it could be potentially dangerous (e.g. to people who are on life-support machines). We are THAT dependant on electricity. 

With the better predictions around renewable energy production that AI affords us, we can afford to be more sparing with when we turn the carbon-producing power plants on. This in turn can allow us to protect the planet and ourselves.

Thus with AI, we are one step closer to a full renewable energy transition.

I think angels surround ya

AI can also play a role on the grid edge with "machine-to-machine communication". (I LOVE THE GRID EDGE!!! I love the grid edge omg).

For example, AI can help with improving "grid reliability and combatting grid congestion" - this can be done through associating it with some electricity that is "generated within a neighbourhood grid or solar PV system". 

These issues, such as issues with grid reliability, or issues associated with "combatting grid congestion", can often be associated with these types of systems: "complex, decentralised systems with bi-directional energy flow."

I repeat once again: complex, decentralised systems with bi-directional energy flow.

Made a wish on elevens

Accurate demand forecasting is extremely important and extremely relevant in renewable energy and AI. AI can "optimise economic load dispatch and improve demand-side management."

For example, "increasing installation of smart meters has enabled demand data to be sent to utility providers". 

I repeat, "increasing installation of smart meters had enabled demand data to be sent to utility providers.

What this means is that energy providers can know from data how much energy their customers are actually really likely to use.

"Efficiency gains are combined with load shifting times when electricity is cheapest, with renewable electricity available in the system." 

I don't fully understand this; sorry. I am going to ask Chat GPT. What it said was this: 

It said that this sentence is apparently about "discussing the optimisation of electricity usage in the context of renewable energy and artificial intelligence." So the sentence means that we are improving the efficiency of energy systems. 

It also means that we are using less energy to achieve the same or better results.

Load Shifting Times

Load shifting means that we use electricity at times when it is cheaper. This is often at periods of low demand. Such as late at night or early in the morning.

Made a wish on my birthday

We can now tell when a peak demand in energy is coming, with AI, and release some of the electricity that we have stored to be prepared for it. Um... I don't exactly know where we have it stored... but... apparently... we do.

Better understanding of customers' electricity usage and consumption habits will play a crucial role in ensuring we have the reliability and the stability we need for a renewable-energy powered electricity grid. 

AI can "make predictions about a building's energy use 24 hours in advance, based on its experiences in the past." Of course, it can still get things wrong. AI might not be able to foresee a wild party, or an event, that night. Could we imagine a future where places have to input a big event that would be coming up that night or in the next couple of days? How might that/might that not be helpful?

Talk about you to heaven

AI also has a massive and "pivotal" part to play in battery storage (hopefully you're not surprised here by now - if you've been reading my blog for a while, then, you won't be!).

This is very very important here - now listen to me here, please. 😏

Storage batteries can be "activated quickly and used to manage excessive peaks". They can also "minimise the back-up energy needed from diesel generators, coal-fired power plants or other gas-fired "peaker" plants that are utilised at peak demand". This means that batteries can be activated at short-term notice to manage excessive peaks in demand for electricity - and this is certainly something that we are going to need and see coming in cases where the demand for electricity is going to grow over time, as we become increasingly reliant on electricity-powered products, as we move away from coal, oil, and gas.

"AI can predict and make energy storage management decisions by considering forecast demand, renewable energy generation, prices and network congestion, among other variables." 

There are special ways for battery owners to "deploy their storage back" and to gain compensation for the energy generated by them, that is provided, back to the grid. AI can help customers to make better decisions about their own electricity contributions, and what they feed back into the grid. For example, this can take into account such things as "fluctuations in the energy rate." This can allow them to use their storage more efficiently.

Thank you. I love to do this. I am loving doing this. I love to be doing this. Thank you. 💚

When we leave all the parties

I am obsessed with this artist. I found his (I believe, "his"?) painting on Wikimedia Creative Commons and now I can't stop using them all. He has an angel of the day - just like I have a "blog post of the day!". 💜

A red and yellow painting of a faceless angel.
By Kontrola - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=53121842

I might have to try and reach out to him at some point. I wonder what he might make of his angels being used on a Renewable Energy AI blog.

I like to hope, and I think, that he would be happy.

Okay that's it for now! 💜 💛 💙


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