

Daniel by Bat For Lashes came on and I had to write a blog post just to pay tribute to that song.

I still want to include a picture of Yosemite though.

Yosemite National Park valley at twilight. The sky is pink.
Yosemite National Park at Twilight.

My nice, neat, and organised to-do list, for my blog

I just wrote up a huge piece of my research for work. I am still waiting to see whether it will be used or not, but I remain hopeful. It was a huge piece of work. I feel like I need a tiny bit of a break after that. But I cannot just give up on my research. 

I cannot just give up on my research.

Okay so where is it then

Okay. Here. Now.
  1. I need to finish watching that video from Friday's blog post on Renewable Energy and AI. I have about 2.5-3 minutes left. I doubt I'll take any more notes. I just want to have finished it off for me.
  2. I need to finish writing up my notes from that video. I have them in a little pile inside of a notebook on the desk in my office. It would be another little post and I might revisit some of the points in my last blog post on the video - but we'll see. For the record, it would be the "You Know I Left A Part of Me Back In New York" post that I would be revisiting.
  3. On the EY article: a few things. Firstly, I need to just WRITE UP THE NEXT PARAGRAPH. THAT IS ALL THAT I AM ASKING MYSELF TO DO. Just the next paragraph. Just the next paragraph. That can and indeed I am insisting that it should just be its own blog post in itself. Then:
  4. The following paragraph or so (poss 2, if they are connected) after that should be its own blog post too.
  5. And so on until I finish section 3. And then section 4. For however long it takes. At whatever rate it takes. 
  6. And then I have about a million bookmarked articles - and I can TAKE MY TIME WITH THEM. 💜


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