Everything I'm Learning In Python

Everything I'm Learning In Python

# is a comment

print prints something

print() is a function, like in JavaScript

You can use double "" or '' single quotes around a string just like in JavaScript. Variables are assigned with an = sign and don't need a let or a const equivalent. I cannot get used to not using let or const

And it's so weird reassigning variables without let or const too. 


Two common errors in Python are NameError and SyntaxError

  • Something wrong with the way your program is written.
    • Punctuation written wrong
    • A command that is not expected
    • A missing parenthesis 
  • A word that it does not recognise
    • Something that looks like a variable but was never defined


The Python str() method turns a number into a string.

Plus Equals

This is good coding revision anyway. You can increment values using a += operator.

My biggest technical goal going forwards


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