Our Love Is A Ghost That The Others Can't See

Our Love Is A Ghost That The Others Can't See

On Monday this week I got laid off and this week has been hard. Being laid off is a type of trauma. I don't say this lightly, and I also know what I am talking about. Trauma is anything that happens too fast, too suddenly to process. Unwantedly.

Of course I loved my job.

To know me is to know that I loved my job. I never stopped talking about it. I never used to shut up about it. But I remain positive and confident and hopeful. I hope that I can keep my mission alive - or do something better with it. But I know I want to work with software engineering and renewable energy. That is all that I really want to do.

That is who I am.

A youtube clip of a woman giving a presentation. Woman has long blue hair and she is wearing headphones. Text on the slide reads "when I get sad I stop being sad and then I look at the offshore wind farms instead".

This is me two years ago, in a talk I gave on neurodiversity at work. ✌✌


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