For Every Ending, A New Beginning

For Every Ending, A New Beginning

I just read a sentence in “The Pragmatic Programmer” that was so beautiful I almost cried. “Every day, work to refine the skills you have and to add new tools to your repertoire.” I so very nearly cried. Isn’t this what I do? I hope that this is what I do. 

In every blog post, and in every LinkedIn post, I am only ever just trying to grow. I have zero interest in being an influencer. I never went into this for anything else. But every blog post is this: nurturing my passion, or trying to learn some new coding skills. Or focusing on my software engineering goals. But sometimes the best thing to do is to just write. You never know what might come out. What reflections. Like I was just thinking about all the things I’ve turned down. Opportunities. I was invited to join a free evening course for women software engineers. I declined. Why? Because I have the best goals in the world from my workplace. My manager has given me the best goals in the world. And so I have to have my evenings to rest and focus on those. As it is I’ve been forcing myself to stop every day at 6 and I’ve managed every day this week so far except Friday and I’m doing great. I’m able to focus better at work and bring more to the job. I’m able to be a better software engineer for it; and I’m a better colleague too for it as I’m finding the time to meditate again. And meditation makes me a softer and kinder and nicer and gentler person.

A beautiful woman sits on a train wearing a bright green fluorescent shirt and she is smiling

I have two man projects outside of my immediate day job. The first is my Python courses. I have rather a lot of those. They are codecademy courses. I have one that I am doing at the moment; intermediate python. Then will come Django. Then will come advanced Python. Then will come regex lol I need to finish that one day it would take me just two hours. I also have an AI career path I want to do. Yes I’m serious. Yes I’m intense. Yes I know it. Two prerequisite courses and then an AI career path. I cannot give up on this dream.

I just rode past the most amazing series of pylons on the train. And then the internet towers too. These are some of the most amazing pylons that I have ever seen.

This is clearly a sign. It’s the right thing for me to do. It’s so great to feel so inspired again. I feel SO, SO, SO inspired. Thank you. Thanks so much🍂
Thank you 🏞️


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