Midnight thoughts about git (really)

Midnight thoughts about git (really)

Some things can only happen at midnight. Thinking about git like I am right now is one of them. 

Git has been on my mind recently a lot. As my software engineering work ramps up - YES you read that correctly! As we have finally found a way to make tickets accessible to me my work has SKYROCKETED and nobody is happier than me. 

The last two work days have been the most fulfilling of my career. Yes you read that correctly. 

I am finally doing proper software engineering again. 

With the correct rules, and focus. And the accessible tickets that I can work with now (tickets haven’t changed much but how I approach them has and the new iterative approach that I have for them is amazing - it’s quite complicated and it’s a long process involving personal docs but if anyone ever has a neurodivergent employee who is as lost as I was we can help out). With the correct priorities and goals. And with reminding myself again and again to come back to the tickets. No matter how hard it is or how complicated it is. 

To just come back to it again and again. I am so so so happy omg. I am so happy omg. I have never been this happy in my life omg. 

A castle on a clifftop and a big full moon. Text reads: midnight thoughts on git (yes really).

So anyway yeah git

Midnight thoughts on git. As my work finally ramps up and speeds up, I AM SO SO SO SO HAPPY OMG, I am SO SO SO SO HAPPY. I am having to jump around on branches a lot more. Alternate between a reviewed PR I am fixing (DID I MENTION I WAS SO HAPPY OMG) and my new branch which I am coding on (DID I MENTION THAT IT IS SO GREAT). 

And there are always complications. Maybe a branch has already been rebased before and now I have to fix it. Maybe my colleague has already pushed changes onto my rebased branch and now I need to apply further fixes. 

Anyway so I need to improve my git knowledge.

I have been using this game. 

And I’ll say that with git. I always get it at first. And then I think about it and I don’t get it. So I want to learn it properly. So this is my plan for the weekend - along with tidying up a bit (doing some “spring cleaning” except that it’s September) and oh I don’t know - watching Sherlock, processing more Software Engineering Goals, and/or writing in my beautiful new Japanese Temples journal - about AI, of course. 🤖 

Thank you. P.s. I have to stop typing these out on my phone my wrist doesn’t like it. So back to the computer then for these I guess - I still do the technical long ones on there 

My only real thought on git is that I need to do some more practice on it. Thank you. But that will be one for tomorrow. And I can’t wait. I can’t wait at all. Thank you. I am so so so lucky to have this thanks. 

I feel so passionate and alive. Thanks.

Because I can’t wait for tomorrow and to go some more and to go again! Thanks. 🏞️ So wish me luck and if lyou ever read this and are rooting for me. Then please let me know. As all encouragement means the world to me thank you. All encouragement means the world. Thank you. Thanks! ❤️❤️


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