Happiness is a Butterfly

Happiness is a Butterfly

„It’s only words and words are all I have to take your heart away.” The Bee Gees once said this in a love song. A heart achingly earth shatteringly beautiful song called „Words.” This is how I feel about the wind farms. I love them so much. So what can I do? How can I express my love to them every day? I try. I try to do it in my coding. I try to do it in my persistence. My resilience and perseverance. I try to do it in my hard work and dedication each day. Relentlessly.

I showed my love when I got laid off earlier this year. I refused to leave working for a renewable energy company. I turned down a really lovely fintech offer to be here. 

Sorry. I was so flattered and so pleased. But I cannot leave the wind farms. Even when things are tough. I refuse to leave the wind farms. It was hard enough finding another software engineering job. But I wanted it to be renewable energy. People told me to give up on it but I couldn’t I couldn’t and I couldn’t. The stakes were so high. Learning Python and Django at the speed of light. Caring so much about my interviews. Not giving up no matter what until the very end. So how else can I show my love for the wind farms? Apart from my really hard work and my commitment to renewable energy companies
  • My blog posts
  • I journal about them
  • My painting of them on my wall
A wind farms blog post for me is not about facts and figures. It’s about my love for the wind farms. And which one is more important? Love. 🥰 Always love. 🫶 It’s always always always love.

A pink and indigo infographic saying „love, it moves mountains, breaks down barriers.”


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