Having the self-confidence to review my own PRs properly

Having the self-confidence to review my own PRs properly

I have to believe in myself properly. I have been making a mistake with my own PRs. As someone with ADHD, I rush to get the task done towards the end for that sense of accomplishment and as such I have been neglecting to slow down enough to review my own PRs with enough mindfulness and attention to detail. I check for typos, formatting errors and stupid things like duplicate code or I left-in comments.

But I don’t trust myself to check the logic properly.

And this is where it relates to confidence.

If I had the confidence and the belief and faith in myself that I was good enough to review my own code then I would enjoy it more and therefore do it properly. That’s right you heard me - I haven’t been enjoying it because I don’t trust myself to spot logic errors in my own PRs.

A large image with pictures of holographic rain and bright text about improving my PRs

Admittedly I am very careful about the code that I do and I often do things to death. But I am still capable of making very dumb mistakes. Like my code today:

if A:
    Do B
  Do B

I have been doing if else statements for two years. It’s probably the biggest coding mistake I’ve ever made in my life. And perhaps if I can just believe that I can be better at spotting mistakes on my own PRs then I can do better at this as well. As if I have to believe in myself. And I can do this. I know that I can do this. And so going forward my plan is:
  1. Every time I raise a PR, I need to review it properly.
  2. This also means reviewing it discerningly, as if it were someone else’s code.
  3. This includes silly typing mistakes and duplication but it’s more
  4. It’s about logic - what’s gonna break things. What is the coding doing. Does it even make sense to do it that way please - thanks.
  5. It’s also very very important that I need to do it: every time I raise PRs to address further comments. Not just on the first iteration. xxx


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