It’s Getting Late But I Don’t Mind

It’s Getting Late But I Don’t Mind

Were you even alive unless you were a kid in the 2010s? Yes I really did dance to David Guetta in the cool clubs in Brussels. 

I have a huge hard task facing me tomorrow and thereafter. And very quickly I am learning that the only way to handle this and to face this one is to break things down into small steps.

So currently my current task requires me to:
  • Go back to my recording with my boss where we recorded the instructions because I was kidding myself that I had understood them. I need to understand them again properly yeah thanks.
  • Go back to the documentation for the package. I am implementing. Yeah I have been bad. I didn’t read that properly. I need to try again haha. Maybe I’ll do that first thing. Might need to be a blog post. Thanks.
  • Then my boss has sent me three steps. I can’t remember what they are. I roughly and vaguely remember the first two. But they are all written down so I can handle them. 
  • Crucially all three of those tasks need to be broken down super small and they need to be understood. And AI might need to help me a bit on some of the minutiae as I can get stuck on tiny details sometimes
This task can seem big and overwhelming. 

But as well as those 5 steps the last three need to be broken down super small. I know that I can do this. I am scared but I can do this. I am scared but I can do this. I am scared but I can do this. Thanks.

Little by little one travels far. And I am going a long long long way. I have a long way to travel. I have far to go still. I know

A pink picture of a mountain scene. Text reads: managing autism and adhd by breaking everything down into smaller and smaller steps

This blog post is dedicated to my friends the wind farms. Because 16 year old me found herself in some clubs she probably shouldn’t have been in but 14 year old me and 15 year old me went to some hikes to some hydroelectric dams and 16 turned 17 year old me went on some hikes to the internet towers 

And it all worked out okay in the end so it was all worth it okay? Thanks


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