Three Things I Really Need To Focus On At Work

Three Things I Really Need To Focus On At Work

There are more okay. But these are the main three. But first of all I am running all over Brighton trying to find some face paint. I want to 5 stores in the city centre and none of them had any. I am so sad. I had such an amazing Halloween costume idea and all of the other parts were ready. I hope that I can pull this off. If not then maybe in London tomorrow. But I would rather be prepared. Okay so what are these things I need to focus on then please? I have some time as I wait for the bus to one of my last hopes. Thank you

My three biggest main focuses for work right now 

I am exhausted. I am knackered. But I am never too tired to process another goal. Thank you

Goal number one

Goal number one is the middle. The middle between coding and product management… I guess you could call it software engineering. I can see the overarching view of the product very well. This is my area of expertise and I used to work in product. I can do the code. I fixate on the code and try very hard to get a line right and try and understand why does this work or why does this not work or why am I erroring here? But I get lost in the middle. I can do coding and I can do product but why can’t I do better software engineering? I need to think; our view function does this. We take in this and we output this. 

And why? What is the purpose of this? Why are we actually doing this please? Why? And then I won’t get so stuck on my problems. I won’t go: why do these three lines of code not work? I will go: these three lines of code don’t work. What is the purpose of my function? Okay no wonder these three lines of code don’t work. These are my inputs and I need to change this.

And so on.

We are gonna do a session on Friday on how do I approach this process. Breaking down the problem from start to finish please. Thanks. 🙏 

Goal number  two

My second biggest and most important goal right now is to keep on reviewing my PRs. I need to review them properly;
  • I need to check for repeat code and spelling mistakes and forgotten comments yes
  • I need to read through the actual code as if it were someone else’s yes
  • But it is also completely obligatory for me to run through the code in my head as if I were the Python interpreter and see what it is doing 🐍 

Goal number three

My third and final goal of my main three goals is thinking more about: how do services communicate end to end? For example: I worked on two new repos last week that talked to each other. I wanted to test something but within automated tests. I didn’t understand enough about how we can see the get request logged out in one of them. I didn’t understand enough about how the json payload was sent to the other one. 

I had to be told where to find it and to log it out. That was hard for me. I wouldn’t have been able to get that alone. But I need to be able to do it better next time. But I am working really hard and doing so well and I now know and I know understand what it means to give everything absolutely everything 

To what I love most in the world 

A sunset digital image with my three goals

Btw there was no face paint so I am making my own 


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