What It Really Means To Me To Work With Water

What It Really Means To Me To Work With Water

I build water technology within an AI/ML team.

I love water. And I love water infrastructure.

I’m a Cancer star sign and I live by the sea in Brighton. I love mermaids and Neptune and my favourite manga is “Tropic of the Sea.” But most of all I just love water infrastructure. 

I love hydroelectric dams and dams all around. They speak to me.

The impact of water in our lives cannot be underestimated. The work that we are doing is groundbreaking. We work to prevent leaks at both local and network level. This gives so much more meaning to my work. I love software engineering in general. But doing it for what I really love which will be so important in the future too means so much more. Namaste

A beautiful image with water in it and a picture of a diagram and a diagram of some pulleys and test reads water in green and purple

“Great virtue is like water, it is good for all things.” 

Thank you


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