Salt Streams Out My Eyes And Into My Ears
Salt Streams Out My Eyes And Into My Ears
I’m sorry. I just can’t stop writing blog posts. Maybe it’s because I’m going on holiday; I just feel as if I need to put all my thoughts out before then.
The good news is I’m feeling better; I think I’ll be able to go. This is amazing. But anyway; I have a story to tell. In February I lost my dream job. I wasn’t willing to compromise on either renewable energy or software engineering although people told me I would be mad to try and get both. So naturally I got both. However I didn’t quite realise the level I was being hired to; with the level jump and the backend and Python (I came from mostly frontend JavaScript, TypeScript and React) this year has been absolutely huge. Trust me what you have seen in the blog posts is NOTHING. Nothing compared to what I had to pull off behind the scenes. Nothing compared to the talks I had to have and the mountains and mountains of feedback I had to take on board. The journals I have filled out. The conversations I have had. The manifesto I wrote and the heartfelt words I have found in me again and again to explain how much it means to me to be here.
I don’t have anything more to say than that. I just want to finis by saying this: GIVEN INPUT X, WHAT ARE THE STEPS NECESSARY TO RETURN OUTPUT Y? Given input x, what are the steps necessary to return output y?
Because everything I do, I do it for the pylons.
Given input x, what are the steps necessary to return output y?
Because everything I do, I do it for the wind farms.
Given input x, what are the steps necessary to return output y?
Because everything I do, I do it for you. Given input x, what are the steps necessary to return output y?
Given input x, what are the steps necessary to return output y? Because everything I do I do it for love. And although I thought I was being hired as a junior and it turns out I was hired as a high-junior/low-mid; everything I do I do it for the pylons. Everything I do I do it for the wind farms. Everything I do I do it out of love. Because there is only one love.
And my love for the wind farms is the same as my love for you - I love you with all of my heart - and thank you for reading.
P.s. this image was inspired by Loreens song Tattoo.That has been me all year… no I don’t care about the pain… I’ll walk through fire and through rain
Just to get closer to you 💫
When the stars align then I’ll be there… 🌟
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