Any Other Name

Any Other Name

For the very first time since starting this blog I have writers block. I think it might be time to wind this project down. I have finished the coding courses. And I have learned what it takes to be a real software engineer. In a way the transition has been very quick and in a way the lessons have been agonising to learn. Most of all I think a software engineer needs: problem solving skills, a love of asynchronous work and a good amount of patience and persistence and I have been told that the 15 minute rule for asking a question is the 45 minute rule for me 😅😂

Susanna looking beautiful on bus

I don’t have very much more to say at the moment because I am working well. Problem solving and I am being a good girl - I am always asking myself the next question and debugging the repos by myself and I raised 3 PRs today with zero senior support only pairing with another (albeit very very amazing) dev at my level. I skipped meetings I couldn’t attend. I went to two very big meetings today and did very well. I went to my favourite Japanese cafe for lunch. 

I am going to a dance class tomorrow. I ordered myself a Christmas present on Etsy. I decided not to spend all my money on retreats anymore.

I want to keep on me and being Susanna and being intense and posting sometimes.

But I am problem solving and that is what matters. I am delivering tickets and that is all that matters. Everything else is secondary to that…

I can’t change the past but I know that I have done well and I am happy with where I have gotten to now and I AM DOING IT ALL, FOR THE WIND FARMS… 🥰


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