If I had to tell you everything I knew about problem solving right now, with no preparation, what would it be?

If I had to tell you everything I knew about problem solving right now, with no preparation, what would it be?

Hello, I celebrate Christmas in the 24th Polish Style but I have a quick minute so

I would say that you have to define the problem and put it into plain English. I would say that you have to verbalise the problem

I would say that you have to keep on coming back to what the problem is at all times. Keep on verbalizing it. Keep on asking yourself what is the point here? What is the business need? Why am I doing this? This will stop you from getting lost in the tiny details of the code

I like to run my problem through a model. I have four favourite models
  • „When I write code now I think about ‚what do I want the outcome to be?’ And then I write the code to meet that outcome” (one from my boss)
  • Test Driven Development - I think about what tests do I want to write? And then I think about what code do I want to write. This ties in with a big theme that came up during my trainings with my boss - „what do I want it to DO?”
  • „Write some rules. Write some code to meet those rules. And then write some tests to make sure those rules are met.” Another gem from my boss. Senior management loves this one too. A classic. It’s really great! I have it on my bedroom wall and it really helps me
  • And I also like… what was it… I have no idea… from a YouTube video that I love „given input x, why are the steps necessary to return output y?”
I ran my last ticket through all four models. I am building up my own system naturally

A photo of Susanna sitting on a roundabout and riding a lion

Keep on coming back to asking yourself what the problem is, even as your process goes on 


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