"Radio Waves They Flow Through Me But They Can't, They Can't, They Can't Hold Me": Addressing my two final problem solving calls

"Radio Waves They Flow Through Me But They Can't, They Can't, They Can't Hold Me": Addressing my two final problem solving calls

So the plan going forward is:
  • Listen to these final two problem solving calls
  • Address them in my blog
  • Fill out the last two panels on my wall
  • Continue to use my wall to write blog posts/journals
  • Maybe create a more refined version or two of the posters on my walls
Also work is supporting me to do a debugging course but this is not online it is on paper, so you may see posts about this or it may just all be in my journals please - thanks.

A pale pink pastel pink image. Text reads: we had a place in that garden - addressing the final two problem solving calls

Okay I'm on the train now wearing my Christmas jumper and wondering how on earth I'm going to make it through this day.

Call 1:

I AM listening to it back on the train.

The internet is pretty rubbish.

Not sure whether to give up just here our not (I am 12/27 minutes in) or if there might be some golden gems at the end I might have forgotten about. I like myself when I problem solve.

I am very very good at it. "Always read the error. Cos it's trying to give you the answer. And if you ignore it you just go down a black hole/rabbit hole."

Listening to this call back really told me that:
  • What is the problem here? and
  • Okay, so, what is this talking about? 
Are really two questions I should be asking myself with every ticket and with every problem.

And I need to get better at
  • Clicking into the right functions
  • Looking around for nearby code examples of how to do the same thing
  • Reading the error messages

Call 2:

I can't do it. After 30 years of tireless effort there is just one call I can't bear to listen back to a second time having listened to it once already.

So I have the last 2 points for the last two panels of my problem solving wall
  • "What is the problem here?"
  • "What is it talking about?"
And that's it. Tomorrow I need to
  1. Buy a chat GPT license
  2. Buy a debugging zine
  3. Expense them both
  4. Print the zine
  5. Try and go to a local social, though I do not know how
  6. ABOVE ALL: Put my new pink A1 POSTER on my wall - and make it - with the PROBLEM-SOLVING HIGHLIGHTS.
  7. Put my new ceritifcate on my wall - yeah I WON AN AWARD!!!! I'M SO HAPPY!! 💗
  8. Allow myself a brief rest - it was the Christmas party!


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