What’s on the wall? Problem solving highlights so far, Part 1
What’s on the wall? Problem solving highlights so far, Part 1
I am so grateful to have such a wonderful boss and such a wonderful team and such wonderful flatmates too
I am so grateful to have received such amazing gifts in my secret Santa gift exchanges - I haven’t opened them yet but wow
I am so grateful to have done my Python lessons now I can 100% problem solve and move on wow
I am the most dedicated and committed and focused girl in the world. I know. I know I know. And I love myself for it. And I totally burned myself out this week but we have had lots of chats about it and I have had so much support. And although I still have five problem solving calls left to listen to I am not proactively seeking any more. And I am done with all of my courses and we have agreed that doing any more is distracting from my actual work. But I am working on my problem solving skills and so here we are.
What are my biggest lessons so far from my wall of problem solving skills? Know what the problem is.
Verbalise it. Draw the problem out in a diagram.
Understand the problem.
How do you know when you can understand the problem? When you can explain it in plain English.
Given input X, what are the steps necessary to return output Y? Given input X, what are the steps necessary to return output Y? And when testing: given input X, I would expect output Y…
3 Questions
What do I want this to do? What is it doing? And what do I wanna test? Because your test is framed around “what do you want it to do”
And really - your problem statement
“What do I wanna do” that is your problem statement - “I want my command to write time zone aware date times to my CSV”.
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