A Prescription for Software Engineering

A Prescription for Software Engineering

This post is more personal than anything I’ve ever written before and I don’t know why I’m writing it. Once upon a time… 

Once upon a time I got made an offer for my first ever software engineering role. It was March 2023. I was about to start. I went to the big shopping centre in London to meet someone - Westfields Stratford. I was tired. After the meeting I felt a seizure coming on.

I don’t know why - funny story - but I ended up near the computers in a hardware shop. I have a few seconds to pick my spot and I must’ve thought it was safe and out of the main halls. I obviously don’t remember much. But I remember the ambulance crew. Later in the ambulance we were talking. They wrote me an advice slip. I told them I was about to become a software engineer. I was so happy. I asked them to write on my advice slip “become a software engineer and balance will be restored in the universe.” 

Imagine my surprise when I left the ambulance a few minutes later and checked my slip. “Enjoy becoming a software engineer… and balance will be restored :).”

Sometimes, it is the kindness of people that gets us through things 

A photo of the London city skyscrapers


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