On Staying Calm and Performing

Okay so. The job has clicked. This is great. Now I just need to stay calm. 

And think and focus on - softly, softly - gently, gently - what has been working for me. 

Because I love the wind farms and the offshore wind farms - so, so, soo much. So here we go:

What has been working for me?

  • Writing to myself first: when I have a problem I write a message to myself first. Then I usually realise, what the solution is, or what I need to try that I haven’t tried yet next (!!!), or what I can ask to chat GPT. If I am still stuck after 45 minutes I can send. So far after doing this - I’ve never needed to send
  • Drawing a diagram. The frontend is so easy for me. The backend is so hard. Drawing a diagram allows me to visualise things so much easier. Suddenly, unsolveable problems become solveable. Thank you
  • Problem solving: I ALWAYS just come back to “what is the problem”. “What is the solution.” And it always just works for me every time please. Thank you
  • Grokking: I have invested inA3 sketchbooks. I write out all of my tickets by hand. I write down however many times I need to until the ticket suddenly makes sense. After that it usually ALL makes sense
  • Staying nice and calm. If I feel overwhelmed: I write a message to myself first about how I am feeling. Then perhaps I can make it more concise and if I need to send it I will. But also: taking a break helps. If I chill for an hour then I can complete something in 15 minutes sometimes whereas struggling for an hour might not get me there
  • DANCE: by dancing every day, I
  • Fuel my fire
  • Fuel my passion
  • Calm my nerves
  • Express things I cannot say
  • Find my happiness
  • Find my joy
  • Overcome things that cannot be overcome by any other means, in any other way
A photo of a pylon by a lake


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