Crimson and Clover, Honey
Crimson and Clover Honey, Over and Over Honey "Me myself I like diamonds, but baby crimson and clover". I couldn't take it anymore. I WENT BACK TO LEARNING JAVASCRIPT. I couldn't wait to learn it anymore, so I did. Of course, I am being reminded how tiring learning coding is. (P.S. The title is from one of my favourite Lana songs that I always listen to when I am coding). Functions in JavaScript I was doing great until I came across frigging parameters. ARRRGH. Why do they have to be so confusing? What does it mean that "Arguments can be passed to the function as values or variables?" What does it mean the "The values that are passed to the function when it is called are called arguments?" What does it mean that "The parameters are specified between the parenthesis [...] and inside the function body, they act just like regular variables?" ARRRGH. Ohhhh. I frickin' see Oh. I get it now I get it I finally get it. You put in the PARAMET...